
Our values guide our actions.

Listening is a fundamental step in understanding the customer’s needs and in developing and designing a suitable, made-to-measure service. The exchange of ideas and freedom of expression, not only with the customer, but also among the members of the work team, are the basis for continuous progress and constant growth.

Our values guide our actions.

Our values

Customer centrality

At Technowrapp, we love our clients.

We're only satisfied when they are.

We always ask ourselves what our customers expect.

Clients must always be told the truth.

We guarantee the departure of technicians within 24h.

Our strength is being able to listen, and work flexibly.

Relationships between colleagues

It takes every single one of us to create a good working atmosphere.

One's work must be envisioned within a wider context.

Interactions must be exhaustive aimed at creating value, looking at general improvement.

When we are talking about Technowrapp's working atmosphere, everyone is entitled to make suggestions about any department, including management. 

Everyone owns and creates their own role.

Respect for diversity, ideas, roles, religions and cultures is fundamental.

Error management

Errors must be brought to light and together we evaluate how to strengthen a failed procedure, in order to improve it and avoid future problems.

Each error is a feedback.

A round table that discusses an error, is one that plans the future.

How we work

We orient our choices in order to ensure compatibility between the economic initiative and environmental and
social needs.

When it comes to work, we are more interested in quality than quantity.
"Organizing" comes before "doing".
Following temporary procedures or taking short cuts to get the job done ahead of time means working poorly and using more energy than needed.
We use our heads before our hands.

Ethical code

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

We created Technowrapp with a simple concept: if we all come here in the morning convinced that this is the place where we can best express ourselves, in which we can grow, in which our skills are appreciated, then Technowrapp will reflect our best part, and both our products and our services will be its direct expression.

Davide Ceccarelli
Chief Executive Officer

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