A close-knit team that oversees
every pallet along its route
Why Technowrapp 01

Why Technowrapp
We created Technowrapp with a simple concept: if we all come here in the morning convinced that this is the place where we can best express ourselves, in which we can grow, in which our skills are appreciated, then Technowrapp will reflect our best part, and both our products and our services will be its direct expression.
Our distinctive characters 02
Zero delays
We respect delivery times
We guarantee the departure of our technicians within 24h
We provide quick solutions
A company made of people 03
A close-knit team
Everyone needs to contribute towards taking care of the atmosphere within the company. Colleagues are expected to be polite to one another at all times in Technowrapp, no matter what the situation. Voices must never be raised because raising your voice shows that your points of view are weak.
Each person’s work must be viewed within the wider context with the whole of Technowrapp. We cannot improve our work to the detriment of that of others. We must always strive towards overall improvement.

If you are looking for a professional work experience in an international company, apply for the job vacancies or send us your CV.
Certifications 04